Tag: animal welfare
Which Food Service Companies Ban Gestation Stalls?
image from here It seems like almost every month another food service provider breaks with the news that they are going to be phasing out gestation stalls. I have scoured searched a little bit on the internet for a succinct list of all these food companies but haven’t been very successful. Then I thought to…
Animal Welfare and AgChat – Questions Answered!
Fresh, clean bedding for new baby lambs in the middle of winter = great animal care For those of you who are unfamiliar with AgChat, it’s a weekly conversation held on Twitter in which anyone can ask questions revolving around a predetermined topic. The topics change every week and the participants change often too –…
HSUS Donates Goose Eggs
That means a big fat zero. In this infogram from HumaneWatch, you can see the breakdown of where the whopping 0.24% that HSUS spends on local animal shelters actually ends up. (In case you didn’t pick up on it, the word whopping was dripping with sarcasm). In 2011, HSUS spent 0.24% of of its total…
PETA Targets Kids With Christmas Billboard
Apparently, PETA knows no bounds. They have now taken to targeting children with their venomous lies about animal agriculture and the most recent incident is a billboard that poses the question: “Kids, if you wouldn’t eat your cat, why eat a turkey?” I can answer that – a cat is a pet. It sleeps on…
Animal Rights Activists Aren’t Stupid
There are A LOT of people out there who make comments like “those guys are such idiots” and “they’re so stupid – why do they act that way?” in regards to animal rights activists. This is infuriating on two levels. 1) Animal rights activists are NOT dumb, contrary to popular belief. The board of directors…