Category: Food & Agriculture Issues

  • Chipotle: Where Guac and Hypocrisy Cost You Extra

    Chipotle: Where Guac and Hypocrisy Cost You Extra

    Maybe it’s the crushing heat we’re experiencing here in Kansas that has me so easily annoyed but upon reading the latest stupidity-driven marketing decision from Chipotle, I felt I needed to bring the blog out of dormancy and share my two dollars (two cents won’t cut it this time). Evil-looking, no? Photo courtesy: Chance Hunley…

  • HSUS Whistleblower Sheds Light on Shady Tactics

    HSUS Whistleblower Sheds Light on Shady Tactics

    It’s no secret that I’m not a HSUS super-fan. For evidence, look no further. Their gross interpretation of animal welfare and the haughty assumption that all farmers and ranchers are animal abusers is enough to make me gag. Photo credit: National Hog Farmer Well, apparently I’m not the only person who is tired of HSUS’ bullcrap…

  • PETA Uses Kids as Pawns

    PETA Uses Kids as Pawns

    I think we can all agree that exploiting children to get ahead is pretty low-down and dirty. I figure only the most conniving, manipulative organizations would be willing to target children with propaganda in an effort to create a whole generation of like-minded individuals.  Would you be surprised to find out that People for the Ethical Treatment of…

  • Wordless Wednesday: National Agriculture Day 2015

    Wordless Wednesday: National Agriculture Day 2015

    What does agriculture mean to you? Livestock? Crops? People?   Hopefully all of the above! Below are some of the pictures that comprise my agriculture experience – they vary from sheep to yak to horses to beautiful hay and wheat fields.   Also, I am linking to my guest blog over on Food For Thought – hint: it’s…

  • Every Day is Kansas Day for Kansans

    Every Day is Kansas Day for Kansans

    For your listening pleasure while reading this post New and old wind energy peppers the plains of beautiful Kansas Whoopee – it’s Kansas Day! And this born and bred native is going to take advantage of the opportunity to brag on my home state. For those of you who don’t live in The Wheat State,…