Earlier this week, Hyatt and I had the privilege of meeting Grahame Rees. Grahame is the co-owner and operator of KLR Marketing, a program that, among other things, educates producers about how to successfully market their livestock and protect their equity, in Loomberah, NSW.
Grahame briefly spoke to us about his Low Stress Stockhandling schools and invited us to attend one in November, which we’ll probably end up doing. Grahame uses principles that were established by Bud Williams, well-known and highly respected cattle handling expert from Alberta, Canada who has just recently moved to Independence, Kan. Bud and Grahame focus their schools on stimulus-response animal handling which is a different school of thought than behaviorist Temple Grandin.
Bud was the developer of the ‘Bud Box’ which you can see being utilized below. The K-State beef feedlot has a bud box that I have used several times and I truly appreciate it’s simplistic, yet effective, nature.
It was really great to meet Grahame, who is a fellow ag tweeter, I can mark him off the long, long list of agriculture tweeps I want to meet. We’re really looking forward to seeing him again in November and we promised that if he ever came to Kansas he could stay for dinner!
To learn more about Low Stress Stockhandling or KLR Marketing you can visit any of these sites and be sure to follow Grahame on twitter (@peneena).
– www.klrmarketing.com.au
– www.lss.net.au
– www.campfirecoaching.com
– www.grahamereesblog.com
Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~
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they says vegans produce propaganda?? nice chirpy line dancing music for right before slaughter. why don't you cut to the next scene and continue the music for then, too. wow. what a manipulation of reality. nice job.