Author: Buzzard
Real Life Confessions of a Ranch Mama – Vol. 1
I’m five months into this mamahood thing and there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. Limits have been tested, challenges overcome and tears shed – both happy and sad. So this cowgirl and ranch mama is laying it on the line and sharing my truth and realizations about mamahood. – I constantly…
I’m a Reformed Antibiotics Abuser
I used to have a pill collection in my bathroom. Nothing illegal and no addictions, but I was one of those notorious [horrible] people who didn’t use all of an antibiotic prescription and would decide to pop a few if I got a sinus infection six months later because I didn’t want to go to…
8 Must-Haves for a Rancher’s Toolbox
Like most ranchers and farmers, there are tools all over our place. Toolboxes are in the back of every truck, on shelves in the garage and there’s even a small one in the house with odd ‘n ends. Each box holds items that we need on the ranch to keep things operating as smoothly as possible:…
Unbelievable Devastation; Unmatchable Generosity
Yesterday, as I walked through our home pens examining our cow/calf pairs and took notes about which cows need to be sold, I thought about how crushed I would be if we lost several cows. If I walked outside tomorrow morning and half of our herd had dropped dead, I would be flattened with grief.…
To the Mama at the Mineral Meeting
A few weeks ago while on maternity leave, I walked into a beef mineral meeting at the local diner carrying my infant cowgirl – I was one of two female farmer/ranchers in attendance (not counting my little nugget). The rest of the audience, men bedecked in overalls, Carhartt coats and seed caps, gave me little…