We get about three channels from our bunny ear antennas here in Melbourne.  Fortunately, they come in very clear and one is the equivalent of NBC in the U.S.  The other night, we were flipping through and ran across this gem:

The Farmer Wants a Wife is a new twist on the bachelor/bachelorette – I’ve only seen one episode but so far it’s hilarious. The picture from above is from the previous season; this season there are 5 or 6 guys farmers and 1 girl farmer. 

Farmers host 2-3 dates of the opposite sex while engaging in normal agricultural activities. The episode I saw featured one male farmer taking two girls fishing and another farmer harvesting potatoes (by hand) with two girls in heels and leggings.  They looked cute but I’m sure you can appreciate the obvious humor.

I think this is a great twist on agritourism  – dig a potato, catch a fish and fall in love. Perfect.

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~


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