Whoops! Wrong popstar, sorry Britney.
Anyways, you thought you’d heard the last of the meat dress saga with Lady Gaga but you were wrong. A recent story on TNT Magazine’s website stated that the dress will be made into BEEF JERKY! I highly doubt anyone will be eating that jerky but at least it’s not being wasted…right??? If you forgot what it looked like, here ya go.
(Photo taken from TNT Magazine’s website)
The dress’s designer said Gaga liked wearing the dress because ”it smelled good….it smelled like meat.” Gaga also said that the dress was a statement for gay’s rights because “Equality is the prime rib of America, but because I’m gay, I don’t get to enjoy the greatest cut of meat my country has to offer.”
Well said Ms. Gaga — thanks for supporting the meat industry!
Until next time,