5 Rules for Dealing with Activists

5 Rules for Dealing with Activists
By: Yvonne Vizzier Thaxton

Great tips for agricultural advocates!

– Don’t argue; they don’t want to hear what you have to say and you won’t change their minds.

– Do answer questions. If there is any doubt about a practice, admit it. Remember we are constantly learning and updating our systems. This applies to both welfare and large farms.
– Make sure you are doing all that you can to care for your animals and the environment. You are not responsible for your neighbors.
– Treat vegans and vegetarians with respect there is room for them on the planet.
– Consider Kosher, Halal, Organic, free range, etc. competition just like Tyson or Pilgrim’s. They are not our enemy; they are just another way of doing things.

If we all follow those simple rules, life would be much easier. We’ll still have to deal with those who are determined to change us, but we won’t have to be so stressed doing it.

Yvonne did a great job of summarizing what our goals should be as advocates! Let’s put these tips to use.

Until next time,