Slaughter Plants and Rendering Facilities – Different but Mutually Beneficial
I’m a huge fan of The Office — the Ninja and I own all the seasons on DVD and I am fairly adept at whipping
I’m a huge fan of The Office — the Ninja and I own all the seasons on DVD and I am fairly adept at whipping
That caught your attention didn’t it? I have been in a very domestic mood lately – cooking, decorating, not letting six loads of laundry accumulate
image from here It seems like almost every month another food service provider breaks with the news that they are going to be phasing out
I just watched the best two Super Bowl commercials in history. I’m sure you’ve heard about them and that is why you are here. My
image from here Usually, I jam out to 106.9 Country Legends on the radio in my truck but in the mornings, on my way to
Fresh, clean bedding for new baby lambs in the middle of winter = great animal care For those of you who are unfamiliar with AgChat,
Greetings! I’m Brandi Buzzard (you can call me Buzzard) and I’m a rancher, cowgirl, ag issues nerd, public speaker and runner. Oh I have a hubs, kids and a lot of cows, too. Welcome to my corner of the internet – I hope you’re ready for agriculture and food issues, motherhood, sarcasm and whatever else trips my trigger.