The most evil corporation in the world. America’s most hated company. Litigious and impudent.
Harsh words spew forth towards Monsanto like a never-ending fountain – similar to a child who has drank too much grape soda and then taken too many spins on a ferris wheel.
I read denigrating articles about Monsanto all the time, but hardly ever do I read anything positive. I find it strange for a company as highly successful as Monsanto to have so little positive promotion. So I decided to do some research of my own and find out the good things they contribute to our U.S. food supply and global food security. Here are six great things that have come from Monsanto:
1. Innovations from Monsanto are helping improve sustainability and soil health.
Developments like Bt cotton and corn have reduced pesticide use and Roundup Ready crops were important in the introduction of no-tillage technologies that sequester carbon. Additionally, Monsanto’s seed technologies have provided solutions to tough challenges farmers face like drought.
2. Monsanto strives to provide a socially equal work environment.
The company received a 100% rating from the Human Rights campaign for LGBT equality in the workplace in 2013 and has received that rating multiple times. Additionally, in 2015 Monsanto was in the Top 50 Companies for Diversity (named by Diversity Inc).
3. Monsanto has assisted with developing agriculture in foreign countries to mitigate food insecurity.
Monsanto has partnered with farmers in Vietnam for more than a decade. Today, the company sells corn and vegetables hybrid seeds in the country to help meet the needs of local farmers, the local industry and consumers. Since 2008, the company has invested more than $ 1 million in breeding research to develop seeds best suited to local conditions. Additionally, Monsanto joined the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) partnership to bring drought tolerant and pest protected seeds to improve food security to more than 25 million people in Sub-Sahara Africa.
4. The Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer is a World Food Prize winner.
Dr. Robb Fraley is helping lead Monsanto in finding solutions for food insecurity through biology and data science advancements.
5. One of its scientists won a Nobel Prize for developing a chemical used to treat Parkinson’s Disease.
Dr. William Knowles received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2001 for his work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions.
6. Monsanto supports food transparency for all consumers.
Want to know more about crops and food? Monsanto wants to help provide a real look at the way our food is grown and gets to the table.
It’s unfortunate that Monsanto gets a bad rap, because the company clearly has global growth and food security as its focus. I hope in 2050, when we have a food secure planet with 9 billion people, Monsanto is given appropriate credit for its diligent efforts in biotechnology, data science and genetic engineering.
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Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~
In no way was I compensated, paid or incentivized to write this post. These are my own opinions and this post was not influenced by Monsanto in any way, shape or form. Keep that in mind as you move forward with commenting, please.