Hunk of Meat Monday: Beef Roast Times Two!

Tikki Masala beef curry on naan bread
Tikki Masala Curry – easy and delicious

P.s. my food photog skills are improving a wee bit!
I’m all about easy recipes – I do not have the time nor the willingness to spend 3+ hours over a stove making a completely homemade, handcrafted meal. I often will try to fancy up a main dish or try a new entrée recipe and then resort to frozen veggies and rice as our sides. One out of three ain’t too bad, if you ask me.

Which is why I love being able to whip up something new from something old. It’s like a makeover. That’s what I did with a beef roast last week – the leftover turned into a brand new dish that we’ve never tried and it was DELICIOUS [all caps intentional]. My timid journey into foods from different cultures continued with this beef curry roast. Both the Ninja and my eyes went wide when we had our first bite of this stuff – and it takes A LOT to get that kind of reaction from him!

Without further ado…

Beef Tikki Masala Curry
1 lb shredded beef
1 jar Tikki Masala curry (we used Patak’s)
Naan bread (or appropriate substitute)

That’s it – three ingredients.

First, I made a beef roast last Monday night. Nothing too fancy or special – you can use this recipe if you’re looking for one. I cooked it to 145 F – please for the sake of all that is good and amazing in the world, do not overcook the meat! We ate half of the beef roast and the other half I shredded using two forks and put in the fridge.

A few nights later, I heated up about 4-5 tbsp. of vegetable oil in a skillet and put the leftover roast in the pan. This is to heat it up and get some of that crisp on the end (you can’t get that great crisp in the microwave, people!).

Heating up leftover roast beef in a skillet
Getting its crisp on. Like my spatula? It came from South Africa!

When I could see the edges were starting to get crispy (not burnt – let me stress this NOT BURNT) I poured in about half of the jar of tikki masala curry sauce. I stirred it around and made sure all the meat was coated thoroughly then I let the whole meal heat up until it was piping hot.

Add in your tikki masala sauce
Let the saucy goodness overtake the beef

Serve with naan bread, veggies and rice. Or, if you’re like me and couldn’t find naan bread at the Dillon’s, you can use Kroger sandwich thins which are just as tasty and fit the function well.

Tikki masala beef curry - fast, easy and delicious
So much delicious on the Ninja’s plate

That’s it – the whole meal took less than 30 minutes. Boiling the rice was the longest activity by a long shot!

I got this recipe tip from the culinary experts at NCBA. Every time I visit our headquarters they are whipping up something tasty and fun – this was no different! Can’t wait to see what they develop next!

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~

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