
  • Katlyn Rumbold

    This makes me laugh, although I am sure this caused quite an inconvenience for you. Reminds me of the time our cows ended up on our patio!


    Your cows were on the patio!?!

  • Katlyn Rumbold

    Yep! Guess they just wanted make sure things were okay at the house… LOL!

  • Cindy Riddle

    I love the idea of Wordless Wednesday. I often snap a photo I want to share, but don't always have the time/energy/inspiration for narration. I hope you don't mind if I start doing that too. (I already have several weeks worth of photos scheduled to post on up coming Wednesdays. I followed you, and would love if you like my blog enough to follow me too!


    Cindy – I didn't come up with the Wordless Wednesday idea but I really like it. Makes it very easy to get at least one post up a week – easy and quick!

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