Sort of – Katlyn over at Midwest Farm Girl nominated/awarded me with a Leibster award which is a way to help bloggers interact and increase their networks, readership and just have fun. The point of the Leibster Award is to encourage fellow bloggers and
build a larger social community. It is awarded to bloggers by bloggers
with a following of fewer than 200 people. With that said, I have to
tell you 11 random facts you may not know about me, answer Katlyn’s 11
questions and create 11 questions for the 11 bloggers I intend to
nominate. I will link to each of my nominees’ blogs as well.

Ok – so here goes the 11 random facts (my middle name is random, this should be easy)

1. I’m claustrophobic – extremely. Most of the time. Certain pieces of clothing make it unbearable and I have to put on a bigger t-shirt. Scuba diving is excruciatingly terrifying and exciting at the same time. #thrillseeker.
2. If food has a weird texture, I am not eating it.
3. I’m very superstitious – don’t close a knife you didn’t open, don’t wear yellow in the arena and NEVER put your hat on the bed.
4. I am ALWAYS wearing a piece of cross jewelry; might be a ring, necklace, bracelet but it’s always on.
5. I really love riding Harleys.
6. I say Merry Christmas, I decorate a Christmas tree and I attend Christmas parties. I am not, nor will I ever be, PC when it comes to my religion. You don’t have to like it but hopefully you can respect it. I don’t even know why this is such a big issue.
7. I’m oh-so-indecisive and I know it bothers the bejeezus out of people but I really am unable to get it under control.
8. I am a sucker for snail mail.
9. I would much rather email, text or gchat than talk on the phone. I get too easily distracted on the phone and have a hard time paying attention.
10. I adore alliterations.
11. I can spend days on end watching Law & Order: SVU.

Now on to Katlyn’s questions.

1 – What type of things inspire you?
Awesome barrel horses. K-State victories and athletes. Victoria’s Secret models (skinny jerks). Underdogs

2 – If you could be on any television show, which one would it be and why?
I think they need a reality show about rural life. Not some dramatized thing but what real ag folks do all day – feeding livestock/horses, fighting off predatory skunks, riding cantankerous mares, frying chicken and all sorts of odds n’ ends. It probably wouldn’t be the highest rated show but it would be real-life. We could call it Inside the Trailerhood. I’d fit right in.

3 – What is your most embarrassing moment?
I’m pretty athletic and coordinated, meaning I don’t fall or trip much, but I slipped and fell flat on my jackass while bowling in front of the K-State livestock coaching staff (Scott Schaake, Chris Mullinix, Randell VK and the Ninja) and about 75 high school judging camp participants. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe when I got up – then I bowed. and bowled a strike on my next turn.

4 – What is your favorite food?
That’s a tie between fried chicken and a ribeye (medium rare). Oh, and bacon.

5 – What are your hobbies?
Rodeo, watching college sports, rooting for the KC Chiefs, baking, musical things and helping with the cattle either at home in SEK or at the Ninja’s parent’s place in NWO.

6 – If you could be an animal, what would you be?
If I could transform into a blue whale in the blink of an eye, you would never hear from me again.

7 – What is your favorite movie?
I’m a cowgirl. Lonesome Dove. duh

8 – What is your favorite Holiday and why?
Christmas – no contest. The music, smells, time with family, food, fellowship – all of it.

9 – If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you do?
Buy 1500 acres of Flint Hills rangeland and build a farm house, corrals and arena.

10 – If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
As long as I’m west of the Mississippi (in the U.S.), it doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t mind another sabbatical in Australia or maybe Europe, though.

11) If you could have one super power, what would it be?
 I have always been jealous of people who could function on 4 hrs of sleep. I would like to be able to do that day in and day out.

Now, here comes the fun part. The questions for my 11 victims nominees:

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What do you want to be remembered for at the end of your life?
3. What is the geekiest thing you have ever done?
4. Who is your role model/idol?
5. Do you have any pet peeves? If so, do you  mind sharing one?
6. Have you ever been rendered speechless? Do tell!
7. Do you prefer the blue Tweetdeck or the yellow Tweetdeck?
8. Dream vacation spot?
9. What is your good luck charm?
10. What is your favorite Christmas song?
11. Do you have a celebrity doppelganger?

I think I’ve actually been nominated for this Leibster dealio once before but didn’t do a very good job following through. My apologies to whoever nominated me previously, head in the clouds over here.

Anyway, these are the amazing bloggers who I will be nominating and hoping they answer my questions (I may have fudged the rules a bit on blogs with less than 200 followers. I basically linked to whoever I wanted. Some of these bloggers may have already been nominated and that’s ok, multiple nominations is an honor, right?)

–  MJ from Born to Pharm – she and her husband farm and she is in pharmacy school. Get it? She wins every award ever given for blog name creation. Smoooooooth.
–  Kelly from City Lights, Country NIghts and Journey In-Between/(
–  Sheridan from Stitches Without Riches – this girl should be a stylist. She’s legit.
–  Lindy at Here’s the Skinny – one of the toughest women I know. Met her in high school. Still love her.
–  Debbie from Life on a Kansas Cattle Ranch – she is the ultimate advocate
–  Phil from Phil’s Thrills – One of my closest friends and over the top funny
–  Sharita from 7 Days Time – Shamiqua will inspire you in your faith and help you down the path.
–  Judi from FARMnWIFE – not only a great advocate but a tremendous resource for blogging and social media
–  Mike from It Goes Without Saying…But Bears Repeating – man, this dude can flat-out write.
–  Jamie from Cows, Corn and Country Girls – smart, funny and creative
–  Jessie from Ranching with Rhinestones – she is epic-ly smart,insightful and awesome at the same time.

So there ya go – one big long post about networking within social media! Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me and I encourage you to check out my 11 blogger friends, they’re the shiz.

Until next time,
 ~ Buzzard ~

UPDATE: Here are links to some of the nominated blogger replies – enjoy!
Mike from It Goes Without Saying…But Bears Repeating
Judi from FarmNWife


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