This week in Denver, cattle producers are gathering to discuss the political, environmental, animal welfare and economic issues of the cattle industry.  That’s right — today marks the first day of Cattle Industry Annual Convention & NCBA Trade Show.  Also happening in the midwest this week is an extremely large blizzard that prevent many ranchers from making the journey to Colorado in order to stay home and care for their cattle. Hopefully, for their ranchers and cattle’s sake, there won’t be as much snow as there was a few years ago in Western Kansas, where they had to air drop hay to their cattle.

You see, it’s calving season. And nothing is harder on a new baby calf than two feet of snow and 35 mph winds.  Farmers and ranchers have a moral obligation to give their animals the utmost care, rain or shine, sleet or snow. So, while convention attendees numbers may decline a bit this year, you can rest assure that’s it’s not due to lack of interest in the industry.  It’s because those dedicated farmers and ranchers have made the welfare of their cattle their top priority.  And that’s the way it should be.

Kind of warms my heart….

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~


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