Sort of.

It’s been 1 year and 2 weeks since I started this little adventure called blogging and I’ve blogged about life, grad school, being engaged, fiji, cooking, prayer and most especially agriculture.  Over the past year, I know my blogging and communication styles and methods have definitely changed.  To you new bloggers, here are some things I discovered that may help you get started on your own:

— Not every post is going to be a literary masterpiece; nor does it have to be
— Keep your posts short; as in less than 3 screen page lengths. If your posts get too long, you’ll lose readers’ interest.
— People will comment on your posts and you won’t like some of them — deal with it.
— Do your research; don’t post about something you know absolutely nothing about unless you’ve read up on it and can answer several questions about it.
— Just because your blog says you only have 65 followers, doesn’t mean that only 65 people read your blog.  Some people read it actively but don’t want to sign up for a Google account so they can officially ‘follow’.
— Think of a sensational title for your blog and create exciting headlines! — there are millions of blogs out there and you should try to differentiate.
— Blog how you speak — I use sarcasm a lot in my daily speech and it felt too much like scientific writing when I took it out.
— Be yourself and always remember that somewhere out there, somebody agrees with you and appreciates your posts!

I was recently asked what my favorite post was – impossible to choose. But I managed to narrow it down to 4 — see if you can figure out why they’re my favorites!

Food For Thought: Even the Quiet Can Be Agvocates
Falsehoods Can Cause Loss of Credibility
Skiing Adventures in Utah
It’s Not Nice to Call Them Frankenfish 

Do you have a favorite post of mine?  If so, please let me know – I’ll try to emulate them!

Until next time,


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