• Animal Rights Activists Aren’t Stupid

    There are A LOT of people out there who make comments like “those guys are such idiots” and “they’re so stupid – why do they act that way?” in regards to  animal rights activists. This is infuriating on two levels. 1) Animal rights activists are NOT dumb, contrary to popular belief. The board of directors…

  • Does PETA cross a line with new ad?

    Does PETA cross a line with new ad?

    picture courtesy PETA I think the new PETA ad crosses the line and is pretty bold considering it puts a different spin on a form of domestic abuse (disclaimer: I am not saying they promote/condone domestic abuse. So please don’t flood my comment stream with stuff about how I am reading into things and exaggerating). I…

  • HSUS and PETA – Lover’s Quarrel

    HSUS and PETA – Lover’s Quarrel

    photo courtesy Did you hear the news?! PETA and HSUS are in a spat. But probably not for long – some celebrity like Kim Kardashian (I’ll never understand why she’s considered a celebrity) will wear a leather cap and then be back in cahoots. However, for now they aren’t seeing eye to eye on a…

  • Practical People = Practical Solutions

    While waiting to pick up cow manure at the Royal Melbourne Show yesterday, I was reading the newspaper. I ran across an article about farmers being upset with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for taking a more extreme stand on recent animal welfare issues in Australia. In the past, RSCPA…

  • PETA’s Extreme Agenda

    The most recent addition to PETA’s crazy list is a Sin Tax on meat. That’s right, a sin tax. If you don’t believe me, read it for yourself. PETA puts meat in the same category as alcohol, cigarettes and gasoline – because they allege that meat imposes “health and environment costs from using animals for food.” Bologna,…