Tag: family

  • 101 in 1001 Update

    101 in 1001 Update

    Ok, it’s been quite a while since I last gave an update on my 101 in 1001 so I thought I’d do some blog filling and catch you up. Since my last update, the goals I have completed are: 5. Go to bed before midnight every weeknight for two weeks –   This was really…

  • So God Made a Farmer

    Surely ya’ll remember Paul Harvey? He was a well-known radio broadcaster with a very distinguishable voice who was famous for his tagline, “The Rest of the Story.” In 1978, he was apparently a guest speaker at the 1978 National FFA Convention and he gave a speech called, ‘So God Made a Farmer’. A family friend emailed me…

  • 101 Update

    101 Update

    Ok, first off — I’ve decided that this blog needs more personal info. So while most Australian/marriage/random posts will end up on my other blog, this one will start having more posts like this, this and this. Now that I’ve scared you away from the blog for all eternity, it’s time to get down to…

  • Father’s Day

    Father’s Day

    Father’s Day isn’t celebrated in Australia until September, but being as how I’m a red-blooded American, I’ll be ‘celebrating’ today. Obviously, I can’t be there to spend time with Podge, but I sent him a card and hopefully he’s received it. This is the first time in 10 years I haven’t been with my dad on Father’s…

  • Vegetarianism is in my blood…

    Vegetarianism is in my blood…

    Sort of. I have a cousin who, a few years ago, decided she wanted to become a vegetarian.  She adopted this lifestyle because she had a some friends who were vegetarian and had given her some information about animal welfare and cruelty. While she did read the information, she didn’t explore all educational resources before making her…