Tag: animal science
Which Food Service Companies Ban Gestation Stalls?
image from here It seems like almost every month another food service provider breaks with the news that they are going to be phasing out gestation stalls. I have scoured searched a little bit on the internet for a succinct list of all these food companies but haven’t been very successful. Then I thought to…
HSUS and PETA – Lover’s Quarrel
photo courtesy Did you hear the news?! PETA and HSUS are in a spat. But probably not for long – some celebrity like Kim Kardashian (I’ll never understand why she’s considered a celebrity) will wear a leather cap and then be back in cahoots. However, for now they aren’t seeing eye to eye on a…
How Useless would Agriculture Be if You Went Hungry?
The agriculture world has been abuzz today with the recent posting of an article titled, College Majors That Are Useless, where the generic terms “Agriculture Majors” sits at #1. Sitting at #4 was Animal Sciences and #5 was Horticulture. Oh, where shall I begin? First off, one cannot major in agriculture. For example at my alma mater,…