Author: Buzzard

  • Why’s the Barn Red?

    Ever wondered why every single barn you see is either red or used to be red? Me neither. But then today I stumbled across an interesting tidbit of info on Yahoo!. You can thank my habit of clicking embedded links and an incurable affinity for quirky info for today’s post. Until next time, ~ Buzzard ~

  • Live Export Ships

    Live Export Ships

    You may have read my blog posts about the Live Export Ban in Australia and the conditions that led to its initiation. If you haven’t, you may want to familiarize yourself with the issue. Read this first and this second. Ok – now that you’re caught up. Hubsy and I have had the privilege of being hosted in Perth for the past six…

  • 101 in 1001 Update

    101 in 1001 Update

    Ok, it’s been quite a while since I last gave an update on my 101 in 1001 so I thought I’d do some blog filling and catch you up. Since my last update, the goals I have completed are: 5. Go to bed before midnight every weeknight for two weeks –   This was really…

  • Practical People = Practical Solutions

    While waiting to pick up cow manure at the Royal Melbourne Show yesterday, I was reading the newspaper. I ran across an article about farmers being upset with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for taking a more extreme stand on recent animal welfare issues in Australia. In the past, RSCPA…

  • Herds of Hope

    Herds of Hope

    As I’ve mentioned on another blog, I’ve been working as a livestock assistant at the Royal Melbourne Show for the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria. Thus far, I’ve scooped a lot of manure and answered the phone. It hasn’t been too strenuous. The breeding cattle show has been going on all week, so we’ve been fielding frantic phone…