Author: Buzzard

  • Hyvee, Pink Slime (LFTB) and Stupidity

    It’s generally not common for shoppers to thank grocers for carrying certain products – we just expect them to be there and take for granted the different options available to us. There’s usually two or three different brands/varieties of each product on our grocery list, which allows us to be selective based on price, brand loyalty…

  • I cried at work

    WARNING: This post is not eloquent nor well written but it is chock full of emotion. If you’re looking for a more well-written post, go here. As most of you know, I am a huge hopelessly devoted K-State fan and although I don’t blog about them very much, since this is mostly an #agblog, that…

  • Meeting Fellow Birdies

    Meeting Fellow Birdies

    Also known as tweeps. It’s no secret I’m addicted to Twitter (@brandibuzzard) – I recently said it in an interview with Cattle Network. Through my addiction, I’ve had the opportunity to ‘meet’ a lot of great people in the “twitter-verse” but haven’t actually met many in real life. I am excited to say that I…

  • Above the Shoulders – 101 in 1001

    Above the Shoulders – 101 in 1001

    I hope I have your attention. I haven’t done a 101 in 1001 update since October/November so I figure it’s about time. I don’t do updates very often because I don’t want to update you, faithful readers, unless I have actually completed some worthwhile goals. So here they are: First up, goals in progress: Run/workout…

  • Pink Slime – It’s Meat

    ******First off, I want to say that yesterday a fantastic commentary was written about the pink slime issue. which you can read here. I was given a lot of praise and credit for apparently writing it but I want to make it clear that I didn’t write it – my husband, Hyatt Frobose, wrote that as a member of…