Author: Buzzard
Slaughter Plants and Rendering Facilities – Different but Mutually Beneficial
I’m a huge fan of The Office — the Ninja and I own all the seasons on DVD and I am fairly adept at whipping out a Michael Scott quote in the middle of a conversation. One of the many reasons I love the show is that on the show Dwight is a beet (yes,…
Which Food Service Companies Ban Gestation Stalls?
image from here It seems like almost every month another food service provider breaks with the news that they are going to be phasing out gestation stalls. I have scoured searched a little bit on the internet for a succinct list of all these food companies but haven’t been very successful. Then I thought to…
Dodge/Ram Silences Audience with God Made a Farmer During Super Bowl
I just watched the best two Super Bowl commercials in history. I’m sure you’ve heard about them and that is why you are here. My absolute favorite was the Dodge commercial that featured the classic Paul Harvey monologue “So God Made A Farmer”. Here it is if you missed it. Coming from a farm/ranch family…
The Importance of GMO’s and Writing Letters to the Editor
image from here Usually, I jam out to 106.9 Country Legends on the radio in my truck but in the mornings, on my way to work, I listen to the highly syndicated Kidd Kraddick in the Morning Show. Every week or so they have a segment titled “Consumer Watch” and they talk about a few…