Author: Buzzard
You CAN Eat Horsemeat!
Image from here Been wanting to try the delicacy that those in France, China, Germany and many other countries have available in most fine dining establishments? Well, now you can. Monsu, an Italian restaurant in Philly, PA, will be offering horsemeat as a menu item in the coming months. Chef Peter McAndrews says he plans…
He Loves Me So Much..
He married me TWICE! Last night, I posted this picture to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: “Pretty low-key Monday night. Just getting remarried…no big deal. #newlyweds” And my feeds blew up with hilarious comments about not really being married for the first two years, the absence of a marriage license, cake, readers and the comment that…
California Bill 343 – Turn That Video In Pronto!
Hey folks, I just read this article about a bill in California. Not a GMO bill. Not a gestation crate bill. A bill about videoing livestock. Photo courtesy awesome blogger and cattle gal Meg Brown The bill is California Assembly Bill 343 and it forces those who video animal mistreatment a mere 48 hours to…
Get Ready – Here Comes Horse Slaughter!
Here – you can listen to this while you read this. A little pep in your step. It seems that horse-slaughter starting up in the U.S. is not as far off as it may have seemed. Valley Meat Company in Roswell, New Mexico may only be weeks away from accepting horses for slaughter. The plant…
National Ag Day in Kansas
National Ag Day – whoo hoo! Across the U.S., thousands of farmers, ranchers, agriculture students and leaders are celebrating the rich heritage that is American Agriculture. Whether it be wearing a green farming t-shirt, handing out beef samples at the local grocery store or promoting agriculture via social media outlets, everyone in ag is doing…