Being a rodeo mama is not just about hauling your kids with you to the rodeo and finding someone to watch them while you warm up and compete.


Being a rodeo mama is the best and hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.

It’s about focusing on all the details in order to be a good mama, while also focusing on the details you need to be a fierce competitor.

It’s having faith that He is watching over you, your kids and your horse and raising our kids to always trust in Him, too.

It’s about not losing your cool and spewing cuss words after you’ve broken the barrier or hit a barrel, because little eyes and ears are learning how to behave after a failure.

It’s about not taunting or gloating when you win, because those same little eyes and ears are learning how to be gracious winners and have exemplary sportsmanlike conduct.

It’s about hours and hours behind the wheel, trying not to go crazy from “Baby Shark” while you replay your run over and over again in your mind.

It’s being resilient and not giving up, even when you’re not drawing well or in a slump. Kids learn to be tough from their environment and rodeo will sure make ya tough.

It’s a practice session taking 2x as long because you’ve got to bring the play ropes, tractors, Breyer horses and sippy cups to occupy them for just an hour while you fine tune your horse and your delivery.

It’s the joy of your little cowgirl saying “good job ropin da calf, mama” when you ride out of the arena.

It’s taking your toddler for a ride in her first grand entry.

It’s watching her grow to love the sport in which fiercely pursue your dreams.

Being a rodeo mama is the best and hardest things all wrapped up in one irreplaceable experience that keep you coming back for more.

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~

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