The End of 101 in 1001

I usually am very organized and pride myself on having a fantastic memory, which is why I was really surprised when I checked my 101 in 1001 list and realized that I had run out of time. Crap. This is like a replay of this day.

So anyway, here are my 101 goals in 1001 – I’ve highlighted in purple the ones that were completed in time and the ones in green were in progress. There are comments on some that were in progress for your entertainment.

Start date: April 11, 2011
End date: January 6, 2014 (although I fudged it to the end of January so it’s more like 1022 days)

Healthy Living
1. Run/workout 3x a
week for 1 month

2. Run/workout 3x a week for 2 months

Run/workout 3x a week for 3 months

4. Run 5- 5K’s
for Beef or Breast Cancer –
I ran
three and am already registered for the fourth.

5. Go to bed before midnight every weeknight for two weeks

Drink 64 oz of water every day for one month

7. Have a date night with Hyatt each week for two months

Scrapbook our engagement, wedding and honeymoon

9. Celebrate one of life’s little achievements once/month for 12

10. Complete name change on social media sites, social security
card, financial accounts, passport, driver’s license etc
this SUCKED: read moreabout that process here.
11. Celebrate our 1
and 2 year wedding anniversaries in a unique way

12. Watch 5 movies
that Hyatt loves that don’t interest me –
(Apocalypse Now, Papillon, X-Men, The Men
Who Stare at Goats, Anchorman 2)

13. Have Hyatt write a letter to me to open in 5 years

14. Write a letter to Hyatt to open in 5 years
Make a list of 101 reasons I love Hyatt

16. Pick out two dogs for the FroBuzz home upon returning from

Aren’t they adorable? By now I’m sure you’ve seen lots of media about Rooster the rodeo dog and Cricket, shy but feisty border collie. (@brandibuzzard on Instagram)

That Might Pain Me To Complete

Do a vegetarian challenge for one week

18. Watch Food Inc. – infuriating

19. Watch An Inconvenient Truth
Eat a salad – a vegetable one:
this too, sucked. Here’s a picture
to prove it

Wear heels every day for 1 week

22. Replaced with the last goal in “Keeping in Touch” – 102.
Have mother/daughter weekend @ lake

23. Don’t chew on
fingernails for 1 whole month – May — July 2011

24. Refrain from
purchasing any item of clothing, accessory or footwear for 1 month

25. Eat 5 exotic/uncommon
seafood 4/12/2011, Tofu Steak 5/2011, Kangaroo 6/2011, Crocodile 7/2011,
Octopus 7/2011)

in Touch

26. Coordinate a
tailgate for one of the following teams
: KSU, KC Royals, Ohio State Buckeyes or
the KC Chiefs –
ended up doing this for KSU homecoming in 2012 and also in 2012 for KC Royals game.

Some great gals at a great game – that lady on the bottom right is getting married this weekend. Wahoo!

27. Call /visit my
grandparents once/month for 12 months

28. Organize and go
on a mother/daughter day with Diana & Madie

29. Attend 6 of
Kristy’s sporting events/school events/4-H stuff –
Co. hog show, Bourbon Co. beef show, biddy ball game, Allen County steer and
hog show, KJLS)

Can’t believe she’s all grown up and showing cattle! Seems like just yesterday I was watching her learn to walk *Sniffle*
(@brandibuzzard on Instagram)

30. Visit 5 friends
who have moved away
Sharita, Washington; Becca,
North Dakota; Mandy, Iowa; Jessie, Texas; Kelly, Minnesota.

This is the famous Seattle gum wall – people keep saying ‘gross!’
 Yes, it is gross but it’s not like we were licking it or anything!
(@brandibuzzard on Instagram)

Visit Brice in A-town

Go fishing with my dad

Have a mother/daughter weekend at the lake

Professional Development
33. Defend my thesis by May 2012I defended in June of 2012. Dammit.
34. Publish an
agriculture article in HPJ, KLA or publication/newspaper of similar demographic
– May 2011 (Grass and Grain, Farm Talk)

35. Promote
agriculture at community meeting or conference 3x

Develop a personal mission statement

37. Join Word of the Day to broaden my vocabulary – June 2011

Consolidate/forward all email accounts down to 2

39. Post 3x/week for
1 month on Buzzard’s Beat – April and May 2011


Save $5 for each item on this list completed

Save 10% of every paycheck for 6 months

42. Learn to do my
own taxes

Take Dave Ramsey finance course with Hyatt

Balance checkbook every month for 12 months

Create a family budget w/ Hyatt and stick to it for 3 months

Discover my credit score

Track Hyatt and I’s spending for 3 months; evaluate and make changes

Complete a

49. Pay off my small
credit cards – Maurices, Victoria’s Secret

I Want To

Purchase a new truck

51. Muster the
courage to play blackjack in a casino – preferably win

52. Fly first class
(even if it’s only from KC to Dallas)

Go rock climbing

54. Acquire new
square toed boots (preferably exotics)

Ostrich boots from Larry Mahan
Love these beauties that the Ninja gifted me with for my birthday last year!
(@brandibuzzard on Instagram)

55. Face 3 fears – (claustrophobia
7/2011, heights 8/2011, [third fear is a secret but was conquered in 2012)

56. NOT have a baby
before I’m 27
57. Scuba dive
somewhere exotic – Great Barrier Reef 7/2011

58. Create a
wardrobe I love. (This is defined as a closet full of clothes I am equally
happy to wear)

59. Find the perfect
cocktail dress – color insignificant

(but it’s purple, fyi)

60. Become a
lifetime member of the K-State Alumni Association

Cultured, Crafty, Organized and Design-y

Print off and organize all photos

Organize Buzzard family photos

Compose/make/compile Buzzard family tree

Design and print my own custom thank you notes

65. Frame and hang my Bachelor’s and (eventually) Master’s
this would
be a lot easier to complete if KSU would send me my damn diploma.

66. Design and print
our Christmas cards for 2011

Make a coffee table book out of my travel photography

68. Purge and donate
old clothes from closets at least three times

69. Watch the
sunrise and sunset in the SAME DAY
– Lamington National Park – 6/2011

70. Attend an opera,
symphony or musical – Love Never Dies 9/2011

New Things

Learn to play piano

72. Learn how to make Grandma’s fried chicken, chicken
n’ noodles and divinity candy

Learn how to fit a steer

74. Learn to drive the boatI’ve driven the boat but
still need more work.

Learn to change the oil in my truck

Learn to shoot a compound bow

Development and Paying It Forward

77. Volunteer once/month at a breadbasket, food pantry or other
comm. service 6 times
– got this
done 3 times

78. Spend under $10
on a meal & give a $10 tip

79. Donate 25,000 grains of free rice through (7270)
Write a letter to myself to open in 5 years

Donate hair to Locks of Love (again)

82. Start/keep journal for 12 months (1/12)
this is
moving to my next list.

83. Earn someone’s

84. Forgive someone
(but never forget)

85. Say ‘I love you’
EVERY day for entirety of 1001 days

Read one book of the Bible every month for 12 months

87. Memorize a verse
from the Bible every week for ten weeks

88. Attend church once/month for 12 months (3/12)
Tithe 10% of every paycheck for 6 months

90. Read the books from this listfail. I only got
about five read but am reworking the list and adding to next list.


Cook dinner every night for a week straight (M-F). Every night must be a new

92. Go see a
sporting event that I’ve never watched before – Easter 2011, Footy game

Make a cheesecake and pumpkin pie….from scratch

Send a secret (or 2) into Post Secret

95. Attend the K-State basketball game where they retire Jacob
Pullen’s jersey
this was hard to do since they haven’t retired it yet but we have
season tickets so I’m on the right track.

96. Drastically
change my hair

Watch a movie based on a Nicholas Sparks book and DON’T fight back tears

98. Post every day
for 1 month on
From Oz to Aus
99. Play golf 3x in
the 1001 days

100. Bake and decorate a birthday cake for a loved one or friend

101. Start a new 101 in 1001 when this one is complete

So, to summarize I completed 51 goals, while another 10 are in progress and if I had until April (like I had originally thought) I would have completed another seven goals. Now that I have done this I know how to write better goals for the list (which is completed and will be posted later this week). For example – #91 Cook dinner every night for a week straight using a new recipe is pretty unlikely since the Ninja is never home for a week straight so a better goal for the next list is Make a new recipe every week for six weeks.

That’s just one example of improving my goals, there are many more.

Has anyone else made a 101 in 1001? I’d love to see them and would certainly link to it!

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~

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