A Party in Your Mouth – Deck of Cards Beans and Rice in the Crockpot

As you can probably, tell I love my crockpot. From November-March, it’s my favorite kitchen appliance – it even beats out the frying pan and microwave! Last week, I showed you my delicious Dr. Pepper beef roast, so this week we’re doing Deck of Cards Beans and Rice! I got my inspiration from Janice Person’s recipe, but added a few more things.

Again, this is a really simple recipe, I don’t measure things often and it’s delicious.

Deck of Cards Beans and Rice

  • 2 cans black beans
  • 2 cans red beans (not kidney beans)
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • A1 steak sauce
  • Heinz 57 steak sauce
  • 1-2 lbs of smoked sausage
  • Lawry’s seasoned salt (or similar, I used Red Robin french fry seasoning)
  • Rice – cooked separately
A Party in Your Mouth - Deck of Cards Beans and Rice
The tools for your dinner masterpiece

Put the three sauces in the bottom of crockpot first – Janice’s recipe called for about 1 tbsp of each but I probably doubled that – I like it saucyyyy.

A Party in Your Mouth - Deck of Cards Beans and Rice
Sauce it up!
 Drain one can each of black and red beans (get it? black and red, deck of cards??) and put in crockpot.
A Party in Your Mouth - Deck of Cards Beans and Rice
Black and red – lots of yummy carbs!

 Slice up sausage into pieces (maybe 1/2″ thick?) and layer on beans. At this point I put some more sauces on it and sprinkled the Red Robin seasoning over it – then repeat with beans and sausage layering. 

A Party in Your Mouth - Deck of Cards Beans and Rice
Look at all that delicious sausage – the more the better!

Cook on low for 2-3 hours or if you’re in a big hurry, stick it on high until thoroughly cooked. Prepare rice as directed and serve up on the side.

A Party in Your Mouth - Deck of Cards Beans and Rice
The finished product – very delicious and very filling!

Warning – this recipe makes enough for probably 5-6 people. The Ninja and I each had a hefty portion for dinner and there was plenty for lunch and dinner the next day. If you’re cooking for just two, cut it down to one can of each kind of beans (but don’t cut back sausage – don’t cut back on the meat!).

If you like salt more than sweet – use more Worcestershire sauce than the other two sauces.

Hope you all enjoy my recipes – I’d love to hear your feedback!

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~

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