Lions, Horses and Camels – Meat of the Future!

I’ve eaten some crazy things in my travels – kangaroo, antelope, caterpillars, crocodile, octupus – and while I think I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone, I am constantly reminded that there are crazier things being invented every day.

For example, would you eat a lion meat taco?!

lion meat taco in Florida
A lion meat taco at Taco Fusion

I did not stutter. Yes, lion meat tacos.

There is a restaurant in Florida, Taco Fusion, that serves specialty lion meat tacos that run $35 per order. That’s a pretty penny for tacos but I think it might be worth it to try lion meat and to say you’ve eaten the king of the jungle!

The same restaurant, which is serving its exotic tacos completely legally and in compliance with food regulations, also serves tacos made from camel meat and beaver meat. I am not a fan of heat or humidity but I definitely think a trip to this Florida dining establishment is in my future!

I am not a big fan of change but I will try just about any variety of meat – including horsemeat (eventually)!

Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~

p.s. I know I said there was a chick growth update coming but I am in Denver for work meetings and time got away from me. Monday, I promise!


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