Meeting Fellow Birdies

Also known as tweeps.

It’s no secret I’m addicted to Twitter (@brandibuzzard) – I recently said it in an interview with Cattle Network. Through my addiction, I’ve had the opportunity to ‘meet’ a lot of great people in the “twitter-verse” but haven’t actually met many in real life.

I am excited to say that I finally got to meet one of my fave tweeps on Sunday night. Kelly Rivard – agriculture agvocate and communications extraordinaire – (@kmrivard) had to come to KC for business and decided to visit MHK the weekend before. Kelly, Jodi Oleen (@jodioleen), Sheridan Wimmer (@Sheridan_W) me and a few boys got together Sunday night at Little Apple Brewing Company for beef, beer and fellowship. It was fantastic fun – BONUS: I got to have dinner with Kelly on Monday night at Hibachi Hut. She’s uber smart and creative, hilarious and sarcastic – we get along pretty great. It’s nice to know there are people out there who think just like me, whether that’s appropriate or not isn’t up for debate.

The Little Apple Gang:

l-r: Brandon, Jodi, Kelly, Me, Sheridan and Randell
(check out Randell and Sheridan’s cute prom pose)  😉
Everyone in this picture is awesome – even the boys because they put up with our random chatter for a few hours. We all appreciate ag, sarcasm, good food, beer/margaritas and we all love MHK. Tell me if there is a way to be more awesome.
For all you non MHK folk, feel free to hit me up if you visit Kansas!
Until next time,
~ Buzzard ~
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