Ok, first off — I’ve decided that this blog needs more personal info. So while most Australian/marriage/random posts will end up on my other blog, this one will start having more posts like this, this and this.

Now that I’ve scared you away from the blog for all eternity, it’s time to get down to business. I started my 101 in 1001 on April 11, and since that was almost 3 months ago I’ve decided it’s time to update you all on my progress. This also doubles as motivation for me to get my butt in gear on some of this stuff.

 Items Completed:
23. Don’t chew on fingernails for 1 whole month — Actually, on July 1st it will be two whole months. See?

34. Publish an agriculture article in HPJ, KLA or publication/newspaper of similar demographic — I am currently authoring a twice-monthly column in both Grass and Grain (Manhattan, KS) and Farm Talk (Parsons, KS).

I’m very excited and very blessed to have this opportunity — look for me in your next issue!

37. Join learnersdictionary.com Word of the Day to broaden my  vocabulary – DONE.

39. Post 3x/week for 1 month on Buzzard’s Beat — I completed this one in April and May 2011. There was a lot going in agriculture in the states and luckily I was able to document a lot of it. Thanks to all my readers who commented posts.

92. Go see a sporting event that I’ve never watched before — Completed on Easter Day when Ninja and I went to an AFL (Australian Footy League) game with our friends Dean, Maree and their daughters.

Items in progress:
12. Watch 5 movies that Ninja loves that don’t interest me (Apocalypse Now)
25. Eat 5 exotic/uncommon foods (Thai seafood 4/12/2011, Tofu Steak 5/2011)
27.  Call my grandparents once/month for 12 months (2/12)
79. Donate 25,000 grains of free rice through Freerice.com (4010)
82. Start/keep journal for 12 months (1/12)
85. Say ‘I love you’ EVERY day for entirety of 1001 days
88. Attend church once/month for 12 months (3/12)
90. Read the books from this list
So what do you think? Do I need to step up my game and accomplish some more stuff? I think so – tapping into motivation pool. Now.
Do you have a 101 in 1001? What are some of your favorite goals? I want to hear your ideas!
Until next time,
~ Buzzard~


  • Rebecca

    Yay! Can you please post on here your articles? Or email them to me?

  • Crystal Cattle

    Keep up the great work. And I agree you should post the articles on here. I had no idea you were doing that. Congrats!

  • Hmiller

    I really want to do this.. I'm just not sure if I can stick to it. Seeing Crystal and you posting about it makes me think that I can do it! Thanks for the update!

  • bbuzzard13@gmail.com

    Becca and Crystal – I can email them to you but it's a subscription based paper so I don't know about sending the pdfs. If you really want to see them, I'll look into. Thanks for the congrats – it feels great!

    Hannah – It may seem daunting to write down 101 goals but it really does help to write things down when you want to accomplish something. A lot of these things I have always wanted to do but wouldn't have pursued as heavily had I not put myself out there and shown the world what I'm working towards. I've given myself some accountability. You can have fun goals, personal development goals – whatever you want. I love it!

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