I know I’ve mentioned my love of Trevor Brazile before but now I have a new love – his calf horse, Texaco.  It takes a lot of smarts, speed, strength and skill to be a top PRCA calf horse – Texaco has all of those things and more.  Most people wouldn’t dream of roping off their horse without a bridle but Trevor can when he rides Texaco – they’re both that amazing.  Check out his video of Trevor on Texaco at the Fort Worth Horse Show.  Jaw. Dropping.Amazing.

Brent Lewis has also done this on a horse he used to own named Grumpy (last I knew, Blair Burk had purchased him).  Unfortunately, I don’t have a video of that one.

Oh how I can’t wait to finish up my schooling and get back on the rodeo trail – maybe someday I’ll train Doc to do that 🙂

Happy Friday and until next time,