Beef: It’s All Goooooood

Is grass-fed beef better than grain-fed beef?  Is organic better than conventional?  These are common questions the beef industry faces on a daily basis.  A lot of people will tell you one way; the rest the other.  However, the point is not which is better but that all methods of  beef production yield the same product: safe, wholesome and nutritious beef.  That’s the subject of this weeks KLA Become an Agvocate Tip of the Week:

Myth: Organic or natural beef is safer than conventionally produced beef.

Fact: All beef, regardless of production method, is safe, wholesome and nutritious. The beef industry provides consumers with healthy choices including conventional, natural, organic and grass-fed.

So, the next time somebody asks you, “Which beef is better?”, you can tell them it’s all fantastic and that there’s a beef product that fits their needs, diets and lifestyles at their nearest supermarket meat counter.

Until next time,


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